What is pitching EXACTLY?

Pitching is an important communicative skill and discipline – and chances are it’s important for you too in your professional and personal life. Nevertheless, many people don’t even know what a pitch is. If that includes you, don’t worry. In this brief article, we look at what pitching actually is and why it’s important.

A Music, a Baseball, or a Presentation term?

The word ‘Pitch’ has different meanings in different contexts; in the world of music the pitch is an element of vocal pitch; in the world of baseball we pitch (throw) the ball; and finally, in a communicative setting and especially in the business world, a pitch is a short, time-limited presentation with the intention to convince an audience.

A pitch even has further meanings than the ones mentioned here, but let’s stick with them for now. When we use the word ‘pitch’ onwards in this article and on Pitcherific.com in general, we refer to the latter example above that benefits from a repetition: a pitch as a short, time-limited presentation with the intention to convince an audience.

Pitches for all occasions!

Pitching can be used under many different circumstances and for different occasions. We use pitching for our work when we must convince a colleague or business partner about a new idea or a certain way of doing things. We pitch ourselves before going out on a date with the beautiful girl or pitch the trip to Venice to our girlfriend.

We are often unaware that we are pitching under these everyday circumstances, but that changes substantially during special occasions. We use pitching when we; make a speech at our best friend’s wedding; present in an exam situation; or present an idea, concept, or product to a potential client or business partner.

A discipline of its own

They say that an idea is worth nothing without execution. A central part of the execution is to communicate your idea. In other words: it is not enough to have a good idea – you must also be able to sell it to others. You must convince, sell and communicate clearly and get your message across. That’s what pitching is about.

It is very easy on paper; you have a good idea, so you want to convince others that they should participate in the execution of it; you have a great product, so you want the customers to buy it. Often it isn’t as easy as it may sound. Therefore, it would be beneficial to consider pitching as a discipline of its own: as something you can practice and eventually master.

Pitching is a discipline that enables you to present your idea concisely and convincingly so that your idea, message, or product – no matter what it is – can reach the stars.

To jump right into creating your own pitches go to our dedicated pitch tool right here: https://app.pitcherific.com/signup

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